Let me guess… you set your prices based on the girls in your area because you wanted to be ‘fair’ and not step on any toes.

In hindsight it sounds great but what if your business costs are nowhere near to the other girls in town and you’re actually losing money? 

Your current prices may even look something like this: 

Resulting in:

Not making consistent money for your time

Overworking and being underpaid for best selling services 

Attracting clients that don’t align with your business and policies

 🚫This is not the vibe 🚫

What if… you had a pricing structure that generated a healthy profit without breaking your back (literally)

In powerhouse pricing masterclass I break down how to price your services from a point of profit and abundance 

  • Own your pricing and feel confident 
  • Handle client objections 
  • Ditch the “this pricing is close enough to what I wanna make” mindset 

 🤑Now this is the vibe! 🤑 

Choose a Pricing Option

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